Thursday, September 04, 2008

The metabolic syndrome‏

Dr. Gerald Reavens, a physician and researcher from Stanford University, identified a constellation of problems individuals develop when they become less and less sensitive to their own insulin. This is referred to as insulin resistance. When the body becomes less sensitive to its own insulin, it compensates for this situation by actually making more and more insulin. As blood insulin levels begin to rise (hyperinsulinemia), you literally “tip over” into an abnormal metabolic state, which is referred to as the metabolic syndrome. These individuals usually develop:

- Central Obesity
- High Blood Pressure
- Elevated triglyceride levels (the other fat in the blood)
- Elevated VLDL cholesterol (or the very “bad” cholesterol because it is even easier to oxidize and cause inflammation of your arteries)
- Low HDL or “good” cholesterol
- Increased clotting of your blood
- Polycystic ovarian disease in women
- Sleep Apnea
- Reflux
- Very high risk of developing heart disease and diabetes

You can see why Dr. Reavens has reported that individuals who have metabolic syndrome have a 20-fold increased risk of having a heart attack.

Source: Dr. Strand Health Nuggets (